Work With Me - Jennifer Racioppi



Truth Seeker

More than ever,
The world needs you

Your time is your greatest asset. You Know This. 

that’s why You’re Here— so you can:

LIFT YOUR VOICE, express your gifts, and answer the call to create incredible work in the world.

MANAGE YOUR ENERGY, nurture and sustain yourself, recover from burnout and prevent it in the future. 

BUILD THE PERSONAL SKILLS and capacities needed to expand your threshold for challenge.

PROCESS GRIEF, PAIN, AND PAST experiences  limiting your joy and holding you back.

UNDERSTAND YOUR PURPOSE and live it, doing your best to make a sincere difference in the world.

SEE THE BIG-PICTURE PATTERNS and navigate and leverage them as a source of personal power.

FINE TUNE YOUR INTUITIVE awareness and apptitude as you grow. 

GAIN VISIBILITY and receive rewards without sacrificing your true self, your family, or relationships.


CRaft your path

1:1 astrological counseling

A private session to help you gain immediate insight on the challenges you currently face and get to the heart of what’s holding you back. Strategize what’s around the corner and stay grounded during periods of tumult so you can thrive. 

start charting


Moon School

1:1 private coaching

Transformational coaching –with a twist of business savvy– for those ready to have accountability and mentoring. This is where cosmic wisdom meets your creative spirit, so you can actualize your purpose, amplify your health, and contribute to the world… a world deeply in need of YOU. 


go all in

Site Development Alchemy + Aim