A Supermoon Lunar Eclipse in Aries: Entering the Season of Harvest - Jennifer Racioppi

A Supermoon Lunar Eclipse in Aries: Entering the Season of Harvest

Daylight and nighttime came into total equanimity this week as the sun moved out of Virgo and into the sign of Libra, commencing autumn. From now until the winter solstice, we will continue to experience a decline in sunlight – a cycle of release that began immediately following the summer solstice in June. Autumn brings […]

Daylight and nighttime came into total equanimity this week as the sun moved out of Virgo and into the sign of Libra, commencing autumn. From now until the winter solstice, we will continue to experience a decline in sunlight – a cycle of release that began immediately following the summer solstice in June. Autumn brings with it an emphasis on harvesting. Fall, a time to gather the resources cultivated through the work of the year up until now in preparation for winter. As we celebrate the entrance into fall, we do so with the final eclipse of the year. A supermoon lunar eclipse in Aries!

Of course for those of you who live in the Southern hemisphere, you experience the opposite seasonal transition. You entered spring, a time of rebirth and celebration. (Lucky!) Regardless of where we live, we are all experiencing a change in seasons, a massive eclipse and the approach of the denouement of 2015.

This last eclipse of 2015 brings with it phenomenal strength and support. As this challenging astrological year now finds her way into its final quarter, we celebrate not only the equinox but the ending of Saturn, the planet of discipline and hard work, in Scorpio. From an astrological perspective, we just concluded a significant chapter and hinge on the entrance into a whole new one. (Saturn entered Scorpio in the fall of 2012 and exited on September 18th. Saturn will now stay in Sagittarius until 2017!)

The supermoon lunar eclipse in Aries will jolt our consciousness with one more dose of a radical clearing. As it does, thankfully Saturn in his new position lends strength and stability. A supremely supportive aspect! By the next new moon, happening in two weeks, we will be ready for massive new beginnings. In the meanwhile, now is the time to make space, clear the decks and cultivate our harvest so we can aim with certainty towards what we are called to create! While this lunar eclipse continues to ask us to release what no longer works in our life, it does so with exceptional support, emphasizing our growth and development.

Over the last couple of weeks we’ve already been asked to say goodbye, let go, surrender and release. What more could we surrender? I do not know the answer to that question. What I do know is that as we enter into this supportive full moon eclipse, it’s time to make space and receive the full illumination of where we are meant to go next.

Remember, eclipses bring new revelations, deeper truths to the surface and reveal blind spots. I have a hunch that even with the crazy changes we’ve already undergone, more provocative realizations await! Mercury, the planet of communication remains retrograde until October 9th. If you’ve followed me for any length of time, you know I LOVE Mercury in retrograde—a fantastic time to tune into your intuition and turn the volume up on your soul’s voice. So use it to your advantage. Take the time to meditate, check in and reconnect with yourself.

Also, with the Sun in Libra, a cardinal air sign, there’s an emphasis on equality, partnership, love, and the enjoyment of beauty. Libra accentuates pleasure and the cultivation of our resources, starting with our relationships. The Moon in Aries opposite the Sun in Libra wants us to take action, beckoning us to cleanse and release what no longer works in our lives so we can reach out to our new beginnings! As you do, keep your relationships in mind.

All of this combined makes this full moon eclipse, potent, powerful and potentially paradigm-shifting.

Here are four things to remember to make the most of this eclipse.

  • Let Go! This full moon eclipse asks us to release what isn’t working. Like I said above you probably won’t know what that is until you know. That said practice curiosity and non-attachment. Stay open and be prepared to pivot on the drop of a dime.
  • Find the balance between we and me. The Sun is in Libra after all. With the moon opposite the sun in Aries, we all may feel a bit feisty when it comes to getting our way. However, take a deep breath and remember the “we” in every situation. Put a little extra attention on your relationships this full moon.
  • Exercise. With the sun in Aries, you can not go wrong with some cardio. Get your sweat on! Exercise, one of the most expedited ways to release what is not working in your life also boosts your mood and vitality. Be sure to get some.
  • Harvest. We are in the season of abundance. Take a look at your life and focus on what is going well! Focus on your strengths and harvest all that is going well for you. I promise there’s a great deal.

Now over to you, what are you harvesting this season? Do you have any rituals to do this time of year? I’d love to hear from you. Leave a comment below. Let me know how you plan to celebrate this lunar eclipse and seasonal transition.

As always, I send you all of my love.

Big hugs,


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