Ladies, as we gear up for what scientists are calling an almost Lunar Eclipse, culminating in the sign of Aquarius on the morning of August 18th, the moon bestows upon us a time to let go so we can begin again.
With the Sun in Leo making a gorgeous angle to Uranus in Aries, our best intentions become blessed, especially since Uranus rules the sign of Aquarius, the portion of the zodiac expanding our creativity this full moon. With Venus in Virgo trining pluto in Capricorn, and Jupiter and Mercury about to meet up in the sky at the exact same degree, the universe seems on board with our ambitions. Thank the goddess!
Yet, while this full moon bequeaths cosmic blessings upon us to take action and initiate, it also asks us to decipher what we need to wrap up, say no to, and complete.
This almost, kind of, sort of full moon eclipse punctuates the month of August with a massive emphasis on integration, completion, resolution, and preparation for what’s to come. As we round out the final days of the Sun traversing the sign of Leo—famously known for fashion, fun, parties and play time—the duty of Virgo makes her presence known, as the Sun will scoot into this fastidious sign of the healer just five days after the full moon.
So what exactly are we wrapping up?
On the most basic level: summer. Here in the North, our beloved season of sun gives way to the back-to-school mentality. As we wrap up our vacations, the rhythm of life reminds us of our devotion to the details, asking us to reset our daily schedules and sync up with the Sun that is now setting earlier and earlier each day.
Before we know it, the equinox will be here. So pay particular attention to the rituals of summer that sweeten life for you. Have you gotten to the beach, hiked that mountain, swam in the lake, breathed enough fresh air, eaten the perfectly sweet corn, or had the most amazing peach yet? If not, get on it. Clear a day or two on your calendar to simply do the things you love this time of year. We have to play; it’s one of the greatest ways to elevate our lives.
On a more complicated level, we are wrapping up some other major stuff, too.
Think back to October of 2014 when our dear friend Saturn, the planet that rules purpose, discipline, and soul growth, traveled through the depths of Scorpio. Saturn in Scorpio gave us hands-on instruction on how to deal with the death and rebirth cycle of life. Saturn, now in Sagittarius, just stationed direct at 9 degrees after a multi-month retrograde journey. Saturn will be meeting up with Mars, also wrapping up a retro journey, on the 23rd to initiate a whole new leg of purpose in our lives. Mars went retrograde this year from mid-April through the end of June, but won’t clear his shadow (resume normal speed) until he meets up with Saturn next week.
Over the last few weeks I have heard so many incredible stories of frustration, feeling on the verge of giving up, wanting to throw the towel in. Even those in my life who are consistently steady have felt the treacherous frustration of Mars not fully up to speed, Saturn waking up from a long retrograde, Uranus and Eris creating a new cycle, Saturn in the midst of squaring Neptune, and a list of other configurations whose names only make sense to well trained astrologers.
Have you too felt the urge to quit? To slash and burn your hard work and go back to the drawing board? Felt the frustration of the summer slow down instead of the gust of life it pushes through? Check in with yourself! Does this feel true to you? If so take time to nurture the part of you that feels cosmically forgotten. I promise you aren’t! Yet, I know this is a long time without our dear powerhouse Mars.
Here’s the good news: we are wrapping up a massive story that started back in October of 2014, and initiating a new dream! Mars will finally be back to full strength! Having gone on the inward journey with the planet of forward motion, much of 2016 up until now has been about finding our blind spot and realigning our ambition with our truth. We are almost ready to move forward full speed. But until then, we need to cement our knowing into our soul.
What did we just learn? What do we need to release?
Just as Mars catches his full speed, our dear friend Mercury prepares for his retrograde cycle, happening from August 30th through September 21st. In addition we’ll have two eclipses in September: a new moon eclipse in Virgo on the 1st, and a full moon eclipse in Pisces on the 16th. The eclipses and Mercury retrograde will move our lives like a broom, taking away all of the debris cluttering the floor of our lives, while asking us to find and hold our center. There are other astrological things occurring in September that will complicate things then, too.
With that in mind, I suggest we do some preemptive cleaning and get organized in advance. Why wait? Get things organized and situated metaphorically. Understand the lessons you are learning, and let go of the behaviors, thoughts, and allegiances that no longer work.
With the eclipses upon us, it’s also essential to look back 19 years ago to 1997. What major chapter of your life are you wrapping up? 1997 marked the year I received my first cancer diagnosis, so this cycle has pertinent resonance for me.
How about you? What cycle are you completing? What vision are you initiating?
In the comments below, l would love to hear what you are releasing this full moon, and/or what you are manifesting.
Stay strong. You are resilient, powerful, capable and divinely supported.
All of my love,