Today we welcome in Leo season. I know I’m excited to usher in the much-needed experience of fire quintessential to Leo season.
As we shift into the zodiac sign that rules play and creativity, we’re still in a bit of a hangover from eclipse season. If you feel unsteady on your feet or like you’re still recovering from the intense change eclipses are sure to bring, you’re not alone. The eclipse portals can take some time to move through. Regardless, I’m more than ready to approach this month with a lighter heart. I hope you are too.
Astro Essentials For August: What You Need To Know
The universe is definitely supporting our recovery. Right now, we’re in a dip between emotional Cancer season and orderly Virgo season. This under scheduled, unstructured time at the peak of summer gives us the space to make sense of what we just went through and deeply consider where we’re going. The whole mood is lighter with Mercury going direct on July 31st, which is the same day as the Leo new moon. The Leo new moon this year happens in close proximity to Venus, which means the goddess of love bestows her blessings on projects beginning then.
So, if you have a new beginning you wish to unleash, get yourself ready for the new moon, which is just around the corner. Even with Uranus in a challenging angle, known as a square, this new moon, the cosmos align for you to hit the refresh button as you step into your authenticity.
One day later, on August 1st, the cross-quarter day of Lammas adds to this energy of rest and healing. Lammas marks the halfway point between the summer solstice and fall equinox, marking a turning point for our long, balmy days. Sure, it’s a time of major abundance, but it also signals the beginning of the end of summer. If you’re feeling a little twinge of sadness about that: me too. But that also might mean that our inner world has been a bit neglected these last few weeks while the outer world was bursting with life.
This is all okay, and a natural part of the cycle, but our hesitation over the end of summer is letting us know it’s time to reconnect with our inner landscape. I talk more on my blog about how to reconnect with your inner world during Lammas, but just know this: the cosmos support this shift inward, even while the daylight still lingers.
Then on August 11th, Jupiter turns direct at 14 degrees of Sagittarius, finally giving us a gentle nudge forward in the direction of our growth. Yes! This is very exciting news, especially as it applies to giving creative projects a push forward.
Though, on the 11th, Uranus stations retrograde in Taurus, offering another opportunity to take a look at the whirlwind 2019 has kicked up for us so far.
How have your ambitions changed in ways you never expected at the start of this year? How have you changed?
Another aspect I’m looking forward to this month is on August 14th, when Venus conjoins the Sun in Leo. This aspect is also in a trine to Jupiter (which will be direct by then). This is a really big deal. After the jarring energy of the eclipses and Mercury retrograde, this aspect shines a spotlight on the Divine Feminine. I don’t mean womxn or womxn-related issues (although it could), but in terms of energy. Instead, it highlights benevolence, kindness, growth, and nurturing. The Sun represents our identity and Venus represents who and what we love, and with both in Leo, the focus is on confidence and play. This alignment also invites us to claim our vision. Similar to a new moon, when Venus and the sun align as they do every nine months, it’s important to claim your goals.
On the 15th, the full moon in 22 degrees in Aquarius gives us yet another opportunity to consider our role in the collective. This is a good time to let go of anything holding you back from becoming your truest self and expressing yourself to those you love —and the wider world—in a way that’s radically authentic.
All this to say: This is a time to truly enjoy who and what you love without shame or regret. Don’t be afraid to linger by the pool with your kids for an extra hour longer, or spend long nights on the patio with your love. In the spirit of Lammas and the peak of the summer harvest, now’s the time to truly revel in your life and love. Allow the cosmos to support you as you reconstitute yourself after an intense start to summer. Catch fireflies indulge in that extra scoop of ice cream. Take a long breath. Allow your joy to guide you into wholeness.
Now over to you: What’s come up for you since eclipse season? Leave me a comment below! All of my love.