The full moon happens at 7:12 am Eastern on the 19th at 29 degrees of Libra: the second full moon in Libra in a row. Given how rare it is to have back to back full moons in the same sign, the universe is providing us with a cosmic opportunity to digest Libra’s lessons. Libra, the symbol of balance and harmony, represents cardinal air—it initiates a season, is driven by values and a deep love of beauty.
Understanding Libra
Libra embodies dichotomy. While this sign of the scales represents a quest for balance, embedded inside of its archetype also lies a ferocity. This tough air sign fights for justice, and equanimity. However, at the same time, known to have the disease to please, Libra can also become over accommodating—bending over backward to keep the peace—prioritizing homeostasis with others over having homeostasis with themselves.
This full moon corresponds with both Good Friday and Passover, and represents another opportunity to rectify the “me” with the “we”. It’s about equanimity and balance. It’s the symbolism of the ocean’s choppy surface and her deep stillness.
This is a time of massive release. Liberation and resurrection.
I love this quote by Thomas Merton, and I feel like it applies to the sentiment of this full moon.
“The rush and pressure of modern life are a form, perhaps the most common form, of its innate violence. To allow oneself to be carried away by a multitude of conflicting concerns, to surrender to too many demands, to commit oneself to too many projects, to want to help everyone in everything, is to succumb to violence…It destroys the fruitfulness of our work because it kills the root of inner wisdom which makes work fruitful.”
Thomas Merton, Conjectures of a Guilty Bystander
This Libra full moon asks us to look at the violence of life that stems from rush and pressure of modern life—to understand Libra’s influence of wanting to be everything to everyone, and to understand that the attempt to do just that is a form of violence. It asks you to navigate the needs of the other without abandoning yourself!
To support you with unlearning this habit of overdoing, I highly suggest checking out Kate Northrup’s book, Do Less.
Poignantly, this full moon asks for you to step into your ferocity, and take a stand for your beliefs and desires in an uncompromising fashion. Rather than over-committing and rushing, this full moon commands truth. It may mean being willing to disappoint others, as you stand in your own convictions.
Breaking Down The Full Moon
With this full moon occurring at the last degrees of Libra, it connotes an ending. Couple this with the fact that the sun is in an applying conjunction with Uranus—the planet of revolution, evolution, and change, while squaring Pluto— this full moon brings with it the winds of change. The moon, after all, opposes the sun/Uranus conjunction and squares Pluto, too. On top of that, Mercury, the planet of communication recently cleared his retrograde shadow, and left Pisces, a sign he traveled in for a more extended than usual period due to his retrograde. He’s now in Aries, about to conjoin Chiron, the wounded healer. This combination of Mercury and Chiron supports the ability to discern the actions you need to take to bring about a deeper understanding of self. It also invites you to use your pains of the past to step into the BOSS of who you are now. And, at the same time, it also asks you to acknowledge the historical pain that has held you back too. (If things feel tough this weekend, remember this common recovery slogan/12 Step phrase: “If it’s hysterical it’s usually historical.”)
On April 20th, the sun moves into Taurus, and we begin phase two of spring (or fall for those of you on the other side of the world). We enter into a profoundly fertile period of the year, supported by the earth awakening from its deep winter slumber. YES! As we do we get ready for the sun and Uranus to meet up, which they will on Monday. This means that while the full moon is on Friday the breakthrough and impact will be felt for several days after—especially with the sun conjoining Uranus in Taurus on Monday. Take time to hold your vision of who you are becoming, and how you are breaking free from the constraints of your past!
Embrace Your Resurrection + Be Free
This full moon precedes Easter and commences Passover, two sacred holidays that celebrate the spirit of eternal life and freedom from servitude. Whether you celebrate these holidays or not, my suggestion is to spend time this weekend embracing your resurrection. Let go of what’s no serving you, own the spirit of resilience within yourself and rise. Take command. It’s YOUR life no one else’s. Which means you have sovereignty and the ability to decide how you use your life force energy— and what you allow. Own it! Now’s not the time to settle, but rather, release! Radically surrender what’s no longer working, and step up to what is.
How to Use this Full Moon To Your Advantage
While there are many things I can suggest you do this weekend as a ritual since the holy days prevail, my suggestion this full moon is not typical; but spiritual no less. Religious holidays have a lot of rituals already in them, so this is a bit less labor intensive…Ready for it?!
Carve out two and a half hours to watch Beyonce’s Homecoming.
Beyonce’s non-traditional festival performance as the first black female headliner at Coachella, in my opinion, embodies the divine feminine— and this performance symbolizes the energy of this full moon by displaying a story of resurrection, resilience, and freedom. Whether you are a fan of her music or not, there’s so much to learn from this movie.
She’s raucous, revolutionary, and damn does that woman embrace her rebirth.She also makes a poignant statement about having pushed herself too hard in preparation for this performance. She talks about learning her limits; which is SO important to see. Another lesson of this full moon—learning how not to succumb to violence against self in the name of achievement, or pleasing others—is a hard one to grasp. While I am in awe of Beyonce’s achievements, I also really appreciate her honesty about she pushed herself harder than she will in the future.
Embracing The Energy of this Full Moon
Like Beyonce who didn’t back down from the vision, she had for her Coachella performance—which was to showcase black performers, pay homage to black history and bring her most elevated performance to the stage, let this full moon in Libra encourage you to do the same!
- Take a stand for what you believe in.
- Don’t over accommodate others at the sake of yourself.
- Learn your limits.
And get ready; because the next new moon which occurs in Taurus on May 4th, is incredibly fertile! And, Monday, April 22, offers a potent moment to begin seeding what you want even earlier.
What’s Coming up for you this Full Moon
Now over to you: What’s coming up for you this full moon? What are you releasing? What behavior or pattern are you clear no longer serves you? In the comments below, let me know what you are releasing this full moon!