The full moon in Scorpio is upon us. However, before I go there, I need to acknowledge something. Two weeks ago I skipped posting my new moon in Taurus blog. Partly because my book co-opted my attention, and also because I needed to channel all of my energy toward play. When I work intensely I need to offset it with fun. Doing so helps to restore my energy and work in true alignment. Now, after creating some space for freedom and pleasure, I feel so much more centered and grounded. (Thank you for your patience with me.)
Maybe you’ve been feeling this same urge to break free, too.
After all, with Uranus—the planet of disruption and change—still finding his footing in routine-oriented Taurus, I get the sense that so many of us feel cosmically called towards radical shifts in our life. There’s a real longing to break from from our self-imposed binds by dipping back into the physical world and actually enjoying it. We’re called now to bust through any walls we’ve built around what truly makes us happy and whole, no matter what the rest of society thinks.
If you aren’t sure what brings you pleasure without expectations (you’re not the only one!).
The full moon in Scorpio asks us to explore our physicality to discover it once more.
This full moon, perfecting at 5:11 pm ET, on Saturday, May 18th, falls at 27 degrees of Scorpio. Scorpio rules all things related to sexuality and the taboo, so this is the perfect time to use this burst of passion for self-discovery. Sexuality is one path to reacquaint yourself with what feels good– it is National Masturbation Month, by the way. Yes, self-pleasure is a necessary and healthy part of self-care. Also, in light of Alabama’s ban on all abortions this week, I believe that when it comes to our bodies, all women have the right to choose. If you agree and want to help Alabama fight this, you can donate here.
Plus, with Venus and Uranus conjoined, this sexy full moon delivers the message loud and clear: your physicality is part of your spiritual experience. Um, and this combination of Venus (who represents love) and Uranus (who represents radical breakthrough) has vibrator written all over it. Just sayin’!
As one of my most favorite full moons of the year, this full Flower Moon asks you own the sweetness of your life and say goodbye to the old. Since this full moon happens at 27 degrees of Scorpio, it connotes ending. Like the death card in the tarot deck, this full moon asks you to release the stagnant and stale so you can till the soil of your life for what’s to come: the new, the fresh, and liberated.
Scorpio relates to transformation, and this late degree Scorpio full moon requires shedding.
To instigate your thinking on this topic; I encourage you to ponder this question: “If I could do absolutely anything I wanted, what would it be?” Maybe your answer remains simple and clear, or maybe it’s foggy and murky. Regardless, the gold here remains to not only get to the core of your most sincere desire(s) but to also understand what stands between what you want and your current reality. Given that this full moon asks you to release your old stories and to make way for new beginnings, it’s important to understand what prevents you from having what you want.
What do you need to release?
With Uranus in Taurus pushing you to break free from societal limitations and routines that no longer serve you, this full moon invites you to hold a funeral for the aspects of your former self that can no longer accompany you on your journey. Like a snake shedding its skin, embrace your own ecdysis—and let it be pain-free.
After all, this full moon has sincere support, too. For starters, the sun trines Saturn and Pluto, while the moon makes a sextile to these two powerhouse planets. Even more so, Mercury in an applying superior conjunction the sun makes a near-perfect angle to Pluto. This signifies that you can trust your intuition. Align your mind with your desired outcome.
This full flower moon also dubs as a blue moon, too. Many think of a blue moon as the second full moon in a month. This full moon represents a traditional blue moon. It’s the third full moon in a season when there are four full moons as opposed to the typical three full moons per any seasonal quarter.
Leave your comfort zone behind and embrace the new season of your life.
Bottom line: This full moon signifies an ending on behalf of a beginning. It asks you to tap into what arouses as a way to connect with your motivation. It’s about leaning into the full body chills of desire. It’s about getting in touch with (and curious about) what rouses you.
By definition, arousal is the state of being physiologically alert, awake, and attentive. So often, we get aroused and there’s not always an outlet for it. But, what if arousal could be the end game? While I do believe pleasure and satisfaction remain critical to women’s health, I also want to express that sometimes our arousal is here as a form of motivation, providing a feeling to court and to keep.
So let yourself feel roused this full moon: then, consciously declare that which you are willing to surrender in order to embrace a deeper sense of alignment with you are today.
The upside? You get to be free. So pay attention to what’s lighting you up. What are you ready to explore? Maybe it’s by exploring your physical surroundings, listening to music, or planning a vacation. Or perhaps your pleasure is derived from reading a book or even doing a puzzle. Whatever you do, take a deep dive this weekend to recover your pleasure. Doing so helps bolster your resilience.