How to Be a Lady Boss Part III: A Foundation of Gratitude - Jennifer Racioppi

How to Be a Lady Boss Part III: A Foundation of Gratitude

In the first part of my How to Be a Lady Boss series, we started with self-leadership. We  learned that being truthful about what you think and what you want will make you, your work, and the others around you stronger and more respectful of your presence. In the second part, we focused on building […]

A lady boss giving thanks.

In the first part of my How to Be a Lady Boss series, we started with self-leadership. We  learned that being truthful about what you think and what you want will make you, your work, and the others around you stronger and more respectful of your presence.

In the second part, we focused on building a solid team. As modern women entrepreneurs, we can’t do it all ourselves. We’d burn out if we did! That’s why delegation is a key to being a badass lady boss.

Now, want to know the biggest lesson I’ve learned about going after my dreams?

It takes more than a team. It takes a whole freakin’ village.

You’ve heard this before, but I want you to take a moment to really consider the meaning here. To thrive, we need support—and not just from the team that we hire 9-5.

Family, friends, coaches, mentors, teachers, assistants, collaborators—they’re all our personal and professional partners, the ones who shore up our weaknesses with their strengths. Collaboration is about letting someone step into his or her zone of genius so that we can excel in our own.

Honestly, it’s a relief to have people in our corner, isn’t it? The one you can always rely on for a good pep talk. Your mom with the best home-cooked meal. Your friend who will drag you out for a night of adventure.

When we have these people, we feel stronger, more capable, and truly have the space to step into real leadership as a result. They energize us, and help us round out our lives to the fullest.

Who are the people in your corner? How do they show up for you? How do you show up for them?

Have you thanked them recently?

Gratitude: it’s the number one sign of a fantastic lady boss.  Because you can be amazing at overcoming your shadow and speaking your truth. You can delegate to your team like a pro. But if you don’t do so out of a desire to acknowledge the hard work that others do and help them rise in their work, you’re missing out on a whole other level of results. (And, meaning!)

It’s time to clear the blocks we have around our leadership abilities and step into powerful lady bosses we can be. For me, that means revisiting my known shadow tendencies, as well as reflecting on all that has been accomplished in my business because of my leadership.

In the spirit of this series, and as we approach the two-month birthday of this brand new website, I would like to take a big moment to acknowledge and thank my own team for all their hard work making my brand and business come alive in its new form!

A huge thank you to…

Rachel Pesso, web designer, who brilliantly and patiently designed my site. It’s gorgeous, functional, clean, and everything I wanted—down to the exact font. Thank you for working with me through all the nuances of getting this right.  I could not be happier.

Brandi Bernoskie, website developer and strategist, who expertly coded and developed one of the cleanest WordPress sites I’ve had the pleasure to use… The site is so sweet and easy to use, and I am beyond grateful. Thank you Brandi for answering all of my questions and for always being ahead of deadline, super prompt, professional and lovely.

Wendy Yalom, personal brand photographer, who provided me with one of the best days of my life… On top of that, beautiful photos that captured the essence of my brand perfectly.  She brought one of the most amazing make-up and hair people I’ve had the pleasure to work with, Dana Tao.  Super professional experience from start to finish.

Flor Tejada, video producer, who shot, directed and produced my intro video.  She came to my home with her killer team and spent 10+ hours with me shooting, and then endless hours editing my video… All while we laughed, went deep, and captured the essence of what I stand for in a medium I was scared of. And it turns out, I like video—more about that in the future!

Leila Wolford, stylist for entrepreneurs and coaches, who provided me with killer support shopping and all things style.  Not only did she make the shopping process easy and fun, but she showed up on both shoot days with all sorts of accessories, shoes, and a steamer to make sure my clothes were perfect.  You are awesome 🙂

Allie Mason, community development specialist, brought some fresh insight and killer execution on how to better optimize my instagram community. (Not following me on Instagram yet– check it out here.)

Marisol Dahl, brand guru, who assisted  with all of the market research on my avatar, helping me flesh out my brand. Together she and I wrote every piece of copy on my website, the script for my video and my ebook.  Thank you!!!!

Ginny Fitzhugh, my amazing assistant who held it together for me as I stretched my wings.

Blair Badenhop, wellness copywriter and brand strategist, who gave incredible feedback and insight during my branding process.

Melanie Smith, business coach, the one who urged my rebrand and held me through the entire process.

So…Opposite to the notion that self-care means doing it alone, self-care means building what Jessica Drummond  (my women’s health coaching mentor– and a god send, thank you Jessica) calls, our web of support. Building my web of support has become a mainstay of my feminine strength—something I cannot live without!

Now, thank YOU for reading the How to Be a Lady Boss series. I’d love to hear in the comments how you are using this Aries new moon to uplevel your leadership. If you haven’t already, be sure to check out my Lunar Logic ebook, which has a new moon ritual you might find helpful as you reflect and set intentions!

Also, if you haven’t read Part I or Part II of this series, check them out!

As always, I send you nothing but love.




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