Nothing upsets me more than the statistic that 1 in 3 women will have a hysterectomy by age 60. Having had a hysterectomy, I am all too familiar with the side effects of this surgery- the detrimental loss of libido, increased likelihood of osteoporosis and heart disease, the anatomical dysfunction of having a vital organ removed (the uterus keeps the intestine and bladder in their proper places; when it’s removed it creates structural mayhem), and the emotional withdrawal many women report in the aftermath of this surgery, myself included, that causes an extreme desire for isolation.
Having healed from my hysterectomy physically, emotionally and spiritually (this took time and tons of support from awesome healers and practitioners) it’s my mission to help women have an amazing relationship with their sexual and reproductive health. Through my journey, I learned that hormonal health is the cornerstone to success, happiness and well being for women.
The truth is, most hysterectomies are not preformed as answers to life threatening diseases and can be avoided all together, especially if proper care for hormonal health is learned early on, and not as a response to negative menopausal issues. However, this is a taboo topic something we are not supposed to talk about, but as women, this is something we should be talking about more, not less. There is so much more we can learn about our bodies especially how to harness them to have more power, focus, and energy. Doing so helps us cope with immediate life issues and positively augments long term hormonal health trajectories. When we learn to tune into our natural RHYTHMS we auspiciously align with our biology, amplifying our natural creativity and productivity. Learning how to take care of ourselves through our moon cycle helps us better hone this energy, enhancing our ability to make a difference in the world, and simultaneously ensuring that our hormonal health remains at peak levels.
Having suffered with my period for years before my cancer and hysterectomy, I know how challenging it is to lose time and energy to painful periods, to constantly fight an uphill battle against your body while losing precious days, if not weeks, to symptoms that feel beyond your control. I remember feeling incredibly dissociated from my body as though it had a vengeance against me. Since I’ve healed from cancer, I’ve learned so much about how to live in harmony with our cycles, and how to optimize our hormonal function. Through the use of supplements, diet, and yoga even the most painful periods can be helped. This is why I am so excited to introduce you to my friend and colleague Sara Avant Stover. In case you don’t know her, Sara is a yogini, women’s teacher and mentor, and the author of the best-selling book The Way of the Happy Woman and she is offering a free class this Friday, International Women’s Day where she will be teaching how to make the first day of your cycle the best day of your month. I am certain there is something new for each of us to learn in this important class, and I will definitely be listening in.
Learning to live a life that honors our sex organs and cares for our hormonal health is the most important thing we can do as women, and Sara Avant Stover is here to show the way. This is part of a free month-long online event, featuring myself and 27 other feminine leaders, called “I {Heart} My Moon Cycle”. This special month stretches for 28 days (one lunar cycle) from February 18-March 17 and is designed to bring more awareness and acceptance of our cycles, from menarche to menopause. Come on over the page, and here from the other amazing leaders out there sharing their stories and wisdom
I am beyond excited to be a part of a community of women out there making strides on behalf of women’s health. I invite you join us! In the meanwhile, stay in RHYTHM with your body and take care of your health.