New Moon in Aquarius: When the Going Gets Weird, the Weird Gets Going - Jennifer Racioppi

New Moon in Aquarius: When the Going Gets Weird, the Weird Gets Going

I am not going to lie. As I write this post, I feel the low feelings that often accompany the end of a lunar cycle: introverted and a little melancholy. The gusty wind whips outside my window, and after several days of rain we finally have dry weather to hustle about the city. Yet, the […]


I am not going to lie. As I write this post, I feel the low feelings that often accompany the end of a lunar cycle: introverted and a little melancholy. The gusty wind whips outside my window, and after several days of rain we finally have dry weather to hustle about the city. Yet, the gray feeling of NYC at the end of January lacks luster, not necessarily motivating me to want to leave my home.

Ah, winter. A time to embrace stillness, get comfortable with feeling uncomfortable, and honor deep practices of self-care.

As someone who’s tracked seasonal and planetary cycles for a long time, this all-too-familiar scene used to really freak me out. I remember my younger years when feelings like this would pop up. I didn’t know how to sit still, so feeling uncomfortable would send me into a tailspin to do one of two things: figure out what was wrong (assume there was a problem) or jump into immediate action to change my state.

When I went into problem solving mode, it often meant turning to others to figure out what was wrong with me, soliciting nice, but unneeded, advice. When I went into immediate action, it looked like over-eating, over-socializing, binge watching tv, or over-exercising—basically doing anything to an extreme to avoid discomfort.

Nowadays, I just look to what’s happening in the stars and take direction from within. I’ve learned how to embrace stillness and trust.

So what exactly is going on in the sky? Let’s start by talking about Pisces.

As the new moon occurs on the 27th at 7:07 pm EST, Mars, Venus, Neptune, Chiron, and the South Node all travel through Pisces, the cosmic sign of Neptune. Mars, representing our masculine drive, concludes his journey through Pisces and is getting ready to emerge into Aries. So as he moves through the last degrees of the last sign of the zodiac, our motivation may feel a bit internal. Pisces, the 12th sign in the zodiac, brings visionary, empathetic, artistic qualities—and emotional attributes even more so.

With Venus touring through Pisces in an evening star position (a sign she loves), she’s right next to Chiron, which represents our wound. Venus and Chiron together bring a healing force, but may also amplify the nuances of our pain. So if you’ve felt emotional, craving pillows and bed, and sort of sad over the last few days (as many of you have asked me about via social media), herein lies one astrological influence affecting our mood.

Further, Saturn, the planet of discipline and hard life lessons, exactly squares Venus. Ouch! Enough already, right? Our values (Venus) under the influence of Saturn (sobriety) encourages us to connect to our truth in a no-nonsense matter.

Thankfully, we look forward to an entirely new lunar cycle, where we have gains to make and new beginnings to initiate.

With the sun and moon connecting in the sign of Aquarius, our ingenuity abounds and we have a bright opportunity to embrace our unique sense of self. And with Mars (our ability to take action) in the final degrees of sensitive Pisces and minutes away from moving into Aries (his home turf), we can anticipate a burst of new beginnings and some serious momentum. Yes!

Aquarius represents ingenuity, self-expression, freedom, creativity, progressive qualities, tending toward change, and the betterment of society.

The first new moon of the New Year is the perfect moment to take new, creative action. With the energy of Aquarius in the driver’s seat, it provides us with a gateway to recommit to the changes we wish to make, especially as they apply to our ideals, our community, and the thoughtful use of technology.

Let’s not also forget, it’s the Chinese New Year, kicking off the year of the Fire Rooster, too, signifying that success comes through hard work and awakening.

So ladies, when the going gets weird, please allow the weird to get going. Let out your authenticity, and don’t hold back your truth. Set intentions that are in alignment with your goals for your personal evolution, the evolution of the world, and your highest good.

Simply put: be you! And, as the cliché goes, everyone else is taken. Commit to turning up the volume on you. We need you.

In the comments below, let me know how you’ve felt recently. Have you felt Venus and Mars in Pisces? What are you committing to this new moon?

As always, I send you all of my love.

Big hugs,


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