Late last week, we bid farewell to Pisces season and welcomed the Spring Equinox. This is more than just a seasonal event celebrating long-awaited daylight (hallelujah!) though. The Equinox doubles as the astrological new year and the start of the zodiacal calendar. You see, when the sun’s light hits directly on the celestial equator, as it does at the vernal equinox, we experience the perfect balance of day and night. And since the spring equinox aligns with the zodiac sign, Aries, we commence a new zodiacal year, too.
Even with Calamity, Embrace the Astrological New Year
While recent global activities have shaken us awake (hello, COVID-19), the Equinox is all about new beginnings. And, we get a double dose of fresh energy with this new moon in Aries. This is the archetypal energy of movement, passion, and pioneering a new frontier. What better time to reseed our biggest dreams and nourish them with wholly-aligned firepower than when we’re in the midst of a pandemic?
I’m totally serious. Hear me out: Yes, what’s happening in the world is intense and anxiety-inducing. But right now—and maybe even the only time in our entire lives—we’ve been given a globally mandated time out. This doesn’t negate the grim circumstances or the need for political action to make sure the most vulnerable amongst us are protected. Nor does it dim the just righteous anger many of us feel, or craziness of being quarantined. All of this is real. Very real.
And, I am just saying, that at the same time, there’s a never seen before mandate to stay home. It’s important to use this time to our advantage too. Not in the name of “productivity” but in the name of introspection and alignment with our inner world. We can use this time to re-evaluate and reconsider how we spending our life force energy. We can tap into our hearts and our values. We can begin to listen to ourselves on a deeper level. Though, obviously, I’d prefer to welcome the astrological new year pandemic-free, taking a time out could be really useful.
Maybe those things we thought we wanted at the stroke of midnight in January aren’t as important as we thought they were. This crisis has given us all space to consider what we consider essential, while also giving us time to pivot if we aren’t moving in the direction of who we want to be.
This new moon is occurring at 4 degrees in Aries, and it’s the first new moon as we welcome the astrological new year. Both the Sun and Moon are conjoined to Chiron, which represents our wound. And because this moon is happening in Aries, its ruler is Mars, currently at 25 degrees Capricorn and is conjoined Pluto and Jupiter, the new moon asks us to tune into our pain as a path of transformation.
Meanwhile, the new moon in Aries squares the nodes of fate, so it brings an evolutionary impetus, encouraging our long-term growth over our short-term gain.
If that sounds like a lot, it is. We are in an unavoidable time of challenge.
Let’s face it: this period of self-isolation and social distancing is definitely going to bring up some painful wounds—for all of us.
Not to mention, we are amid a plague. If ever we needed to come to terms with the impermanence of life, the time is now.
Here’s the positive though: As a society, we’re forced to slow way the hell down so we can actually listen to what still hurts. This is an unprecedented opportunity to re-evaluate how you are living, and if you are honoring your most true values. It’s our time to be with what keeps us up at night. What plagues our dreams. Honestly, it couldn’t come soon enough.
But Chiron isn’t about opening up the wound and dwelling in the pain. Chiron’s wound is a portal to healing—truly, deeply, and all the way. There’s a great power on the other side of the pain, and this new moon presents us with a potent opportunity to learn from it so we can transcend it.
Also over the weekend, Saturn moved into Aquarius after a multi-year stint in stoic Capricorn. As an air sign, Aquarius offers us a bit more levity and a healthy dose of logic. Saturn’s movement into this sign may finally bring us a bit more clarity and a level-headed perspective on what needs to be done, personally and as a collective, to help us all change for the better.
We’ll get a little taste of this energy from now until July 1st as Saturn flirts with Aquarius before retrograding back into Capricorn until December. Saturn won’t move out of Capricorn for good until December 2020, which means this tough Saturn-Jupiter conjunction will be hanging around for the majority of this year, sadly.
Look, the astrology of 2020 was always going to bring extreme challenges, but now that we’re in it, it’s time to make a commitment to go all the way in it.
This is the opportunity to build our emotional resilience and heal ourselves so we can do our part to heal the collective. This is going to take all hands on deck to weather, and you know what? We’ve got this! We were literally made for this. Use this unprecedented time and space to really lean into the wound. Better days will come, love, and you’ll be so glad you did this work when they do.
Want to learn more? We are kicking off the astrological new year with a challenge on 3/24 with the new moon! Come join my challenge.