New Moon in Gemini: Create Your Own Purification Ritual - Jennifer Racioppi

New Moon in Gemini: Create Your Own Purification Ritual

The new moon in Gemini, happening on June 4th at 10:59 pm ET, unleashes extreme power. One of the most intense new moons of the year, it comes a few weeks before the solstice, during Mars’ retrograde cycle, in the midst of us integrating the lessons of the recent Mercury retrograde, and a little more […]

new moon in gemini

The new moon in Gemini, happening on June 4th at 10:59 pm ET, unleashes extreme power. One of the most intense new moons of the year, it comes a few weeks before the solstice, during Mars’ retrograde cycle, in the midst of us integrating the lessons of the recent Mercury retrograde, and a little more than a week after Saturn and Jupiter completed their closing square. As if that were not enough, this new moon initiates us with a mutable Grand Cross—a fancy astrological word for challenge readying us for massive change.

This new moon asks us to step into our wisdom so we can reconcile the past in order to move forward into our most aligned futures.

With the sun, moon and Venus all at the same degree in Gemini opposing Saturn, and squaring both Neptune and Jupiter, we stand at a crossroads where the winds of change may feel as gusty as the tornado that lifted Dorothy and Toto and dropped them into the Land of Oz.

Let me tell you more.

In astrology we have three types of signs: cardinal, fixed and mutable. Cardinal signs initiate seasons. They are the signs that happen at the time of the solstice (Capricorn and Cancer) and the equinoxes as well (Aries and Libra). These four signs have the capacity to launch change with power. Fixed signs occur in the middle of seasons (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius). They stabilize us during the current cycle we encounter. Mutable signs occur right before the season changes (Pisces, Gemini, Virgo, and Sagittarius.) These signs ready us for change by helping us transition. With one foot in the former season and one foot in the future season, mutable signs navigate duality and complexity, readying us for metamorphosis.

So, given that this new moon brings with it a mutable Grand Cross—which means four planets are squaring (disputing) each other in mutable signs—it asks us to step into the observer’s position of our life so we can steer based on our wisdom. With multifaceted opposing forces coming to confluence this new moon, we likely feel pulled in several directions—with one foot in our past, and one foot in our future. Our job this new moon is to develop objectivity amidst the chaos, equanimity of mind, so we can reconcile where we’ve been and move forward in alignment with our higher selves (as opposed to our wounds).

 So what’s a girl to do this new moon? Treat this new moon like a holy day. I mean it.

Your Guide to the New Moon in Gemini

Honor your spiritual side. Don’t cut corners on your spiritual practice. Meditate, pray, carve out a sacred space for you to welcome this new moon.

Create a purification ritual. Consider taking an Epsom salt bath, swimming in the ocean, or creating a fire ceremony to let go of things that no longer serve you. Take a moment to reflect on what you need to let go, and let that guide what you do for your own ritual. Some activities will prove more beneficial to you than others.

Embrace sobriety. Extend your commitment to purification by abstaining from alcohol during this new moon. This will help you better focus on your internal needs and absorb the wisdom of your past.

Tend to your body. Nurture it and move it, so it can best receive and be a vessel for everything else you are doing during the new moon in Gemini. Get a massage, practice yoga, eat well.

Seduce your inner knowing. Your inner knowing sometimes needs to be called forward, but oh is it worth it. Journal, ask yourself questions, and above all embrace everything that comes forward. The truths that may be revealed might not be to your immediate liking, but don’t escape. Sit with the discomfort, and give yourself and your pain permission to breathe.

Stay mindful of every conversation you have. This is not the time to embrace mindless chatter or difficult conversations with loved ones. This is a time for you. Words have power, so use them wisely.

Be patient. Extra patient. Take deep breaths. Remember, we are in this together.

Journal. With the sun, moon and Venus all in Gemini, we need to express our thoughts. Use this time to free write, download and discharge what’s on your mind. Journaling proves extra prudent now.

What are you manifesting this new moon?

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