With the new moon in Libra occurring on October 8th at 11:46 pm ET at 15 degrees, the cosmos present us the opportunity to call forth a new version of balance, truth, and justice.
Reflecting on Equilibrium This Libra Season
If anyone was looking at my life from the outside in this year, they’d probably think I’ve been killing it. My business is thriving, my clients are crushing their goals, and I’ve brought dreams to fruition that I’ve worked toward manifesting for a long, long time.
But other parts of my life? I’m not going to lie, it’s been hard—mentally, physically, and emotionally.
All change requires some discomfort. I’ve been growing, expanding, and anchoring in my authentic True Self—in my life, but especially in my work. Going for great in my business has required other parts and pieces to tip out of balance. And you know what?
That’s okay.
Not only do I accept the experience of going out of balance, I honor it as part of the process of alignment—but not necessarily equilibrium.
Righting The Scales After A Massive Effort
People seem to have a lot to say about work-life balance, especially as life gets faster and the news cycle keeps moving at breakneck speed. There are a ton of articles on time management, more organization apps than any of us know what to do with, and self-development books on productivity and lifehacks sitting face-out in every bookstore. The idea they’re all selling is this mythical version of balance, where all areas of life thrive at the same time, with the same level of effort.
But in the cosmos and in life, that’s just not how it works. Success is a rhythm, not a race. There will always be times when your launch needs some extra TLC, or when a project requires your complete devotion. In order to fully embody the dream, you have to honor that urge to give it your all. Every damn day.
You’ll be knocked off balance and thrown off course. You’ll forget to make your morning smoothie or return those books you borrowed. Other parts of your life temporarily go on pause. But after you’ve done the work and found your edge, you’ll right the scales again through nourishment.
In truth, stress isn’t a bad thing. It’s lack of recovery from that period of persistence that can lead to illness and fatigue. Stress, in the right doses, expands our capacity. It just requires adequate rest and recovery too.
Just like the moon who waxes and wanes, ideally, our stress levels and efforts ideally would too.
It’s time we view stress as your body’s willingness to help carry out your greatness rather than something to fight against. Our energy is better served elsewhere.
New Moon in Libra: Truth and Justice in the Body
In astrology, Libra is known as the zodiac’s natural peacekeeper. A lot of people consider this to be the energy of level-headed logic and fairness at all costs, especially since one of this sign’s symbols is the scales. But we often forget that one scale represents Truth, and the other represents Justice. Only when they’re both present can there be peace.
The truth may require you to give one part of your life your undivided attention for a season. It may ask you to drop the bullshit and get real about who you want to be in the world. But Justice will then ask you to tip the scales back to equilibrium through soul-nourishing recovery.
(Political justice asks for a helluva a lot more—more on that in another post.)
Libra season is also the season of the harvest. I can say without a doubt that this season (this year!) has brought so many goals to fruition. I’m eternally humbled and grateful. I also recognize that I’ve put in the effort all year to make it happen, and now is the time to right the scales and begin to attune to flow as opposed to push.
How will you tip the scales back to equilibrium this Libra season? How will you nourish yourself after a season of stress so that you can bounce back stronger than before the hustle?
The New Moon in Libra: Journeying to Equilibrium
New moons naturally lend themselves to taking time and space for physical restoration and rejuvenation. Think about it, the sun and moon align at the same degree in the sky on a dark night inviting deep sleep, undisturbed connection to self, and the opportunity to tune in and set intentions for the upcoming cycle.
With Libra’s ruling planet, Venus, having stationed retrograde on October 5th, a position she’ll travel in until November 16th, this new moon brings a potent opportunity to acquaint the current cosmic curriculum. Over the next six weeks, Venus will descend into her darkness, transforming from her evening star position into her morningstar position. This significant change offers us an opportunity to embrace our shadow, and clearly see behaviors and patterns that hold us back. On top of that, tiny-but-mighty Pluto squares this new moon, and Mars, now officially free from his retrograde shadow, offers a helping hand this moon, activating aligned action.
Consider this…
What aspect of self and shadow are you welcoming into your life?
What are you judiciously welcoming into your life as part of your journey to equilibrium?
Then, craft your intentions. Given that this next lunar cycle is entirely shaded by Venus’ retrograde cycle, dig deep and formulate an intention that’s reflective of this incredible journey into the trenches of feminine power.
What does feminine power mean to you? What are you intending this new moon? Let me know in the comments below.