With two eclipses and the upcoming spring equinox, March is shaping up to be a magical time for creative transformation. We start with the new moon solar eclipse today (March 8, 2016), leading us into the spring equinox on the 20th and then a full moon eclipse on the 23rd. Eclipses usher in change—changes that can alter our lives forever. It’s a time for evolution; so don’t be surprised by any significant revelations or aha moments that come your way.
Today, both the Sun and Moon are in Pisces, so use this emotional, spiritual energy to listen to these new ideas and inklings. They hold the secrets to our evolution.
While new moons are a great time to devote ourselves to the things we wish to manifest in the future, the eclipse season makes it an especially pivotal time to move forward and choose growth. To that end, look to release anything that is keeping you stuck in the past: resentments, relationships, and past ambitions that no longer serve your ultimate mission. Choose your purpose and your joy instead.
As I mentioned, both the Sun and the Moon are in Pisces, so now is the time to do deep internal work in preparation for all the changes in store. As the last sign of the zodiac, Pisces represents our intuition, dreams, and spirituality. Joined by Neptune and Mercury, we can expect emotions to be extra strong as well. We currently have a heightened capacity to witness and heal the complexities of our feelings before we charge forward in aggressive, fiery Aries in a couple of weeks. So, try to connect with your emotions, reflect on them, and make peace with them—especially the ones you may not wish to feel at this time. Listen inward and let your emotional body guide you to new insights and innovative ways to move forward.
As dreamy as Pisces may be, with the Moon sextile Pluto we can expect an air of unbreakable practicality too. Though a dwarf planet, Pluto brings a no-nonsense approach to personal transformation and will be a good wingman to the change and growth that the solar eclipse offers. Saturn will keep us grounded through this transformative time too, even as he squares the planetary activity in magical Pisces. If you’re feeling overwhelmed or unsure of what to do, take it one step at a time. Do the internal work to hear your intuitive voice, and then channel the intense, purposeful energy Saturn offers to make a plan.
So start fresh. Tie up loose (inner) ends in service of a higher version of you that will soon emerge. The upcoming spring equinox and entrance of the Sun into Aries marks a time for exciting beginnings—it’s the astrological New Year! If the beginning of 2016 has felt a little rough for you, here’s a second chance to start over.
With the spring equinox, along with the upcoming holidays Passover and Easter, we are overwhelmed with themes of resurrection, liberation, and new beginnings. We are in sacred times, and as much as this period of the year may feel like a breath of fresh air, it can be tough to move on from the old too.
Be kind to yourself. Remember, tough moments build our resilience—our ability to handle stress and challenge while remaining devoted to our positive growth and flourishing. Even in the midst of pain, we must stand by health and joy. Resiliency lends us the capacity to face life exactly as it is and respond in a way that makes us stronger, not crumble under pressure. This is about the exhilaration of standing at the edge of something special, and feeling all the feelings that come along with it, without throwing in the towel, or backing off of our dreams.
Take it one step further. Look at your how this new moon eclipse may be affecting your astrological sign! Again, your sun sign is only part of the story. If you know your rising sign, please read that too.
Aries: This solar eclipse happens in your 12th house of spiritual renewal. To that end, be prepared for powerful, intuitive messages to break through. Listen deeply to where you are instinctually called this solar eclipse. Also, you may feel like retreating all together, if so… Awesome. Give yourself a break and chill out. I promise, it will help you source your power!
Taurus: This emotional new moon eclipse lights up your solar 11th house of dreams, manifestations, and desires. Use it to bring your desires to fruition. Dig deep and solidify what you want. Don’t stop at what you think is possible, go for what you really (really) want. Set firm intentions to manifest your soul driven goals. Stay convicted and go for what you know you want.
Gemini: Career and professional standing get a massive boost with this solar eclipse happening in your 10th house of public recognition. Are you ready to lead? I hope so. To that end, use this new moon eclipse to look at all of the ways you hide, and shirk off your potential. Feel into the part of you that has the tendency to avoid rising to your greatest strength. Then set intentions to shine! You got this.
Cancer: Take a look at where the philosophies that guide your life are either helping you expand or holding you back. This solar eclipse happens in your 9th house of religion, world travel, and publishing…. to that end, I urge you to consider your belief systems. How can you take on a more positive, life affirming, approach to life? Evaluate and adjust accordingly.
Leo: Is money holding you back? This solar eclipse helps to clear the cobwebs of your ability to charge for your services and ask for what you want financially. But here’s the deal, it’s not actually about the money. This is about understanding how to magnify your ability to trust that you are supported, and simultaneously clear through blocks you have to owning your worth! Romance and sex may be heating up for you. If so, go with it.
Virgo: I always joke that you’re a sign that loves alone time. However, this solar eclipse, happening in your house of partnership, asks you to take a look at how your relationships add positivity to your life. While on a basic level this could open new opportunities for committed love relationships, it could also have strong business implications too. Stay open to opportunities coming your way, and see where a new ally or relationship moves you closer to your most profound life goals.
Libra: Hold on tight. This new moon solar eclipse happens right before the full moon lunar eclipse in your sign. The best way to use this eclipse is to ground down into the routines that bring you health, happiness, and clarity. Come to the full moon you’ll be jolted with Lunar love, imbuing you with a revolutionary approach to your life. Until then rest up and create space. This will help things continue to feel fluid.
Scorpio: This new moon energizes your house of creativity, romance, and fertility. Wowzas. Get clear on what you are creating in your life, and how you want you to want to imbue your desires with an intimate and personal flair of high caliber ingenuity. On a more personal level, set a strong intention for your romantic life too.
Sagittarius: This solar eclipse is all about setting up the structures in your life that support your expansion and growth. How are things feeling at home? Take a look at your living space and see what sort of improvements you can make. Have you been in touch with your parents? Even if they have passed over, spend some time this new moon feeling into your relationship with your parents, releasing anything that needs to be let go of there. Then set healthy intentions for what you’d like to see happen in your home and family life.
Capricorn: I sure hope you sleep with a notepad beside the bed because this solar eclipse you want to capture your ideas. Tune in and find what your soul is asking you to commit to creating at this powerful eclipse. Then commit to making it happen. Carve out some time to download what’s coming up for you, creating space in your head and your heart for new direction and ideas to get through.
Aquarius: With your birthday season behind you, you are one year wiser, and one year clearer on how you want to contribute to the world. Awesome. Let this new moon help you with the manifestation of the resources needed to support your visionary approach to change. Get clear on your value, and set strong intentions to conjure the material support you need to make your dreams come true. Have plenty of spare change already? Awesome! Consider investing it wisely. This is a great new moon to action around money.
Pisces: Whoa, with so much activity happening in your sign, I wouldn’t be surprised if you feel emotional. Not only are the sun and moon in your sign but also so are Mercury, Neptune, and Chiron. On top of that, you’re having your solar return (or birthday!). This is the time to let your emotions lead you forward, and get clear on your vision for your next year! Vision boards, writing out your intentions, conscious prayer and meditation all help you ground down your dreams so you can make them a reality. Get them out of your head and onto paper. Big changes are upon you, and this eclipse kicks things off for you– massively!
Now I’d love to hear from you. In the comments below, let me know what you are manifesting this new moon eclipse!