The Full Wolf Moon: Howl - Jennifer Racioppi

The Full Wolf Moon: Howl

As we find ourselves back in the grind of life, we experience the first full moon of 2017 in the sensual, security driven, feminine sign of Cancer. Under normal circumstances, a full moon in Cancer—a sign ruled by the moon—would signal a fabulous lunar ritual: a reverent moment to connect with the mystery and power […]


As we find ourselves back in the grind of life, we experience the first full moon of 2017 in the sensual, security driven, feminine sign of Cancer. Under normal circumstances, a full moon in Cancer—a sign ruled by the moon—would signal a fabulous lunar ritual: a reverent moment to connect with the mystery and power of the Earth’s moon, the passing of time, and a bright sky lit up by La Luna in her own sign.

Yet this full wolf moon happening at 22 degrees of Cancer on January 12th at 6:33 am ET feels less like a decadent lunar ritual and more like sitting at the crossroads of life.

Depending on the specificity of each of our individual charts, we can expect this full moon—comprised of four planets squaring in cardinal signs, as well as two oppositions—to create change. Massive change. On top of that, no planets are retrograde until February 5th, so things are going to take off—fast.

So rather than a quiet full moon moment in which you bask in its mystery and emotionality, your ritual this month may call for something more like a wild roar. Get outside under the full moon to have a time of connection, and belt out a savage howl.

At the time of this lunation, the Sun travels through the third decant of Capricorn, a salt of the earth sign that favors practicality and hard work over free-wheeling fun. The Sun also occupies a quadrant of the sky particularly close to powerhouse Pluto—a celestial influence that asks us to dig deep into the shadow and unearth sovereignty and psychological prowess.

As if that weren’t enough, Jupiter, the planet of good luck, fortune, and abundance, squares the Sun and moon—pushing us past our comfort to explore vast levels of growth and expansion. Jupiter represents knowledge and wisdom, and it is currently traveling through balance and justice-driven Libra. Jupiter’s position during this full moon takes a particularly confrontational stance: we need to move beyond comfort (Cancer) and hard work (Capricorn) into judicious evolution. After all, why grow if we don’t do so in agreement with wisdom?

Fair enough, right?

But even this notion has opposition.

The opposition comes in the form of Uranus, the planet of revolution, and Eris, a dwarf planet that represents feminine anger and discord. These planets travel side by side in Aries, and both square the sun and moon, too. So we can expect this full moon to not only ask us to incorporate wisdom into our growth, but also focus on speed, agility, and rapid movement as well. Maybe even upheaval too!

With four squares and two oppositions all in cardinal signs, this full moon forms a legendary Grand Cardinal Cross.

While this configuration may sound stressful, I prefer to see it as an empowering initiation presenting us (probably very obviously) with where change needs to occur. (How cool is that?! Thank you, universe.)

Rather than feel like we need to take action and force things ourselves, all we need to do is witness where the change is happening right before our eyes, and the choose how we want to dance with it.

Let me highlight the word choose. Our reactions are our choice. A Cancer full moon asks us to honor our emotions: to feel them and allow them. And yet, it behooves us to refrain from becoming our feelings. Rather, give space for them, and then integrate their wisdom into our lives.

We can have the emotion or experience without becoming the emotion or the experience.

Jupiter asks us to access wisdom—and we discern wisdom through observation. So during this full moon, witness the chaos, the change, the release, and integrate it. You may wish to practice this observance through meditation, self-care, and presence.

We can deduce. We can become informed. And then, through our wisdom, we can carry on accordingly with fierce focus, unwavering from our values, despite the chaos. (This is how we slay.) The focus that arises via the Grand Cardinal Cross may just equate to a year’s worth of life coaching and therapy combined. So pay close attention, because I promise it’s informing us, and guiding us past our blind spots, our shadow, and our need to control.

If we can stand at the crossroads, and let the universe direct our path (instead of us needing to control the universe), our howl will feel more like a primal exaltation rather than an excruciating crucifixion.

Get out there and howl! Let the cry feel cathartic, therapeutic, invigorating, and releasing. And then connect with the beauty of the moon. She’s guiding us into our power and our wisdom as we consciously (and subconsciously) become present with our truth.

Even more specifically, truth in the form of our marching orders for 2017!

Have reverence for this moon. She’s a powerful one. Simultaneously, stay compassionate towards others. They, too, are under the same moon! We’re all in this together. One moon, one love.

All of my love,


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