The New Moon in Capricorn + The Winter Solstice - Jennifer Racioppi

The New Moon in Capricorn + The Winter Solstice

In the northern hemisphere, Autumn, the season of harvest, officially ends this Sunday as we celebrate the darkest day of the year, the Winter Solstice. Each day from now until the Summer Solstice, we gain more light. The days become incrementally longer and our rebirth becomes more fulfilled. We are moving towards the next iteration […]

In the northern hemisphere, Autumn, the season of harvest, officially ends this Sunday as we celebrate the darkest day of the year, the Winter Solstice. Each day from now until the Summer Solstice, we gain more light. The days become incrementally longer and our rebirth becomes more fulfilled. We are moving towards the next iteration of our evolution.

The initiation of winter asks us to evaluate what no longer serves us, decipher what needs releasing, and encourages us to shed all that holds us back so we can be born again. On a deeper level, it beckons us to commit to who we really are and let go of all the other bullshit, now.

This life-death-rebirth cycle is a sacred rhythm that has carried life since eternity. It’s an ancient cycle worthy of our surrender.

Coincidentally, the 2014 Winter Solstice happens with the new moon in Capricorn: a new moon that asks us to employ a stoic work ethic so we can do our best and become the most extraordinary versions of ourselves. Of course, this happens at a time of year—the holidays—when collectively as a society, we take our attention off of our work and place it on our families. As we prepare for our end of year celebrations, I encourage you to do just that: take your focus off the exterior world (including your families) for a moment and instead put it on the workings of your inner world. It’s essential to carve out introspective down time to look within.

There is nothing superficial about this new moon.

With five planets in Capricorn, it’s time to go deep. The Sun, Moon, Mercury, Pluto and Venus are all hanging out in this serious sign, full of timeless wisdom that wants us to create something concrete and of extreme value. Since it also happens on the Winter Solstice, I believe it’s an incredible time to use the darkness to our advantage.

Use the shortest day of the year to evaluate where you are in your life and determine where you want to go next as you move forward.

As 2014 comes to a close and we initiate 2015, we enter Winter: a season of interrupting patterns and reevaluating time, energy, and resources. Winter brings life to a halt, asking us to do the deeper work of examining how we function in the world as well as cultivating our wisdom. I encourage you to use today to intentionally focus on how you want to use this season to begin the process of birthing your deepest truth into the world.

In honor of the practicality of Capricorn, I want to offer you one of my favorite writing exercises certain to move you forward. This is a well-researched, evidence-based journaling exercise that is scientifically proven to increase the happiness and well-being of those who have successfully completed it. (Capricorns love things proven to work!)

So set aside an hour to write. Under the influence of Saturn-ruled Capricorn, it will fly by! Make sure you have a journal or some other place to record your thoughts. Get a timer and plan to spend at least twenty minutes (or more) on each question. Once you are ready to write, take a moment to center yourself. Go within and connect with the deeper part of you. Breathe and bring your attention into and on your heart. Then open your eyes and begin this exercise by pondering the following questions:

1. Describe a time in your life when you thrived. Elaborate on what happened during that time—where were you, whom were you with, and what did you do? More specifically, what did you contribute toward making that period one in which you thrived? Allow yourself to record every detail of what you remember.

2. Think about your life in the future. Imagine that everything has gone as well as it possibly could. You have worked hard and succeeded at accomplishing your goals. Think of this as the realization of all your life dreams. Now, write about what you imagined (King, 2008). Let yourself write down every possible detail you can see in your mind’s eye!

3. Imagine yourself on your path toward your goal. How are you going to get there? Imagine possible obstacles that can come up. How are you going to overcome these obstacles? Now write about what you imagined. Really think through how you plan on overcoming the obstacles in your path. Consider anything you need to let go of or other strategies to get around obstacles in your path.

As we officially prepare for the return of light, I’d love to hear from you. What are you moving towards creating in 2015? Feel free to leave a comment on the blog. And as always, I send you my deep, deep love! Happy Solstice and Happy Holidays to you.


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