Why We March - Jennifer Racioppi

Why We March

“Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.” —Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. As we approach Donald Trump’s inauguration, my body shakes with deep concern for our democracy. I have wrestled with this insecurity since November 8, 2016. Since then, sustaining peace of mind about politics has felt like […]

“Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.” —Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

As we approach Donald Trump’s inauguration, my body shakes with deep concern for our democracy. I have wrestled with this insecurity since November 8, 2016.

Since then, sustaining peace of mind about politics has felt like trying to catch a cloud: I can see political serenity off in the distance, but can’t conceptualize holding it in my hand.

I feel concerned for the rights of so many, especially for people of color and minority groups, for immigrants, for the LGBTQ community, and for the disabled. I am certainly concerned for the rights of our fragile environment and for the reproductive rights for women across the country. I worry about the impact his presidency will have on our planet for years to come.

Now I know my concerns might not be yours. I know the risk I take by becoming so vocal about my politics.

“When we speak we are afraid our words will not be heard or welcomed. But when we are silent, we are still afraid. So it is better to speak.” —Audre Lorde

The 2016 election felt like my life flashing before my eyes prior to my death. I was met with the sudden realization that I have not done enough to honor my truth, my passion, and my purpose. Heartbreaking disappointment led me to look within—so much so that I considered shutting down my business.

Of course, when disappointment strikes on this level, it’s usually about way more than just the inciting incident.

After engaging deep conversations with my own therapist (yes, every mentor should have a mentor, and mine happens to have the letters LSW after her name), I recognized that while building my business I betrayed one of my deepest personal values: the value of inclusion. I assumed that me showing up for my business—the way I originally had—was enough, and by living my best life, I took care of the most essential thing I could offer the world.

A deeper look within revealed I had short-changed my truth. By hyper-focusing on one specific aspect of my purpose, I neglected the bigger context of my why.

Sometimes our biggest disappointments bring us our deepest moments of clarity.

“The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.” —Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

You see, creating a public platform involved highlighting certain aspects of myself while simultaneously quieting others. It took my full-throttle focus to launch and run a business, and that came at the expense of staying vocal and involved in conversations having to do with racial justice, environmental justice, and inclusivity.

Even though I have always been in the habit of scrutinizing every essence of how I show up in the world, I feel like I am finally starting to understand what’s evolving from within as I respond to the reality of our current political climate.

Which is why—as a woman, business owner, moon follower, activist, and so many more things—I stand before you neither neutral nor apathetic. I am owning my conviction and commitment as I join the Women’s March on Washington this weekend. While I know that taking to the streets will not bring unity on the left or do much in and of itself, it’s a beginning.

(If you haven’t read the unifying principles of the Women’s March on Washington—you can do so here. They sum up my stance and values to a T!)

Further, two weeks later I plan to return to Washington, D.C. for Marianne Williamson’s Sister Giant event, another political gathering aimed at addressing so much of what slipped between the cracks in my own life the last eight years—the intersection of spirituality and politics.

I humbly admit: I have so much to learn!

So on Martin Luther King Jr. Day, I invite you behind the scenes of my business and my mind. In 2017, I have resolved to better support the amazing organizations out there doing great work on behalf of the values and causes that are so near and dear to my heart. My first step is to donate a portion of my profits to the Southern Poverty Law Center.

We have come so far, but at this critical point we cannot forget the past and the struggle (and resulting strength) of all the women who have come before us. Let’s let 2017 be the year we don’t hold back our voices. Let us rise to speak our truth—however that shows up for us—and do so from a place of compassion, love, and understanding.

With my renewed focus in my life and business, I am committed more than ever to helping you rise in your own life, while staying connected to the cosmic influences that guide it. That said, I am also just two weeks shy of initiating something I spent so much of 2016 planning: my Lunar Logic Group Coaching program. If you are interested in joining an intimate group of women as we navigate three moon cycles and move into the depths of our truth, take a peek at this. We kick off on January 27th, the next new moon. You can trust I will show up fully.

While in the midst of my own personal revolution, I am so excited to lead you through your own!

If you have any questions, please let me know!

Now I’d love to hear from you. What does MLK day mean to you? Leave me a comment below.

As always, I send you all of my love…



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