With the new moon happening at 15 degrees of Aries on April 5th at 4:50 am Eastern, new beginnings await. A new moon occurs when the sun and moon align at the same degree, commencing a new cycle. This particular new moon occurs in the first sign of the zodiac, meaning it brings with it the promise of a fresh start (times two).
Aries is a fire a sign—an element that correlates with action. Aries’ function is to get things started and make things happen. Ruled by Mars, who correlates with movement too, Aries corresponds with our head. Meaning while this time of year might bring on allergies and seasonal annoyances, it’s indeed a time of deciding what you want, and going for it, head first.
The sun’s movement into the Ram asks us to clean out the old, and ready ourselves for what’s to come. It’s an invitation to embrace sovereignty, independence, renew our energy and reclaim our ambition. Aries’ influence brings a sense of urgency, a desire to make space, start a new, and powerfully eliminate that which we no longer need.
To that end, in Chinese medicine spring correlates with the liver—an organ of detoxification. So, while making sure phase two liver detox stays optimal all year, as the body moves beyond the sluggishness of late winter now’s the time to help it conjugate and eliminate toxins stored in the body. Eating high-quality protein, cruciferous vegetables, and lots of water helps to lighten up the load on our body. Focusing on physical elimination through bowel movements and sweating helps the body process stagnated and possibly toxic energy, opening up the pathways for new beginnings, too. This time of year also relates to anger. Rage and the liver go hand and hand with Aries season.
I recently saw this quote from Maya Angelou on anger and thought it applies nicely to this time of year.
“You should be angry. You must not be bitter. Bitterness is like cancer. It eats upon the host. It doesn’t do anything to the object of its displeasure. So, use that anger. You write it. You paint it. You dance it. You march it. You vote it. You do everything about it. You
Given that we are still in the wrap-up phase of Mercury’s most recent retrograde journey, a time of in-depth emotional evaluation now’s not only an excellent time to put your anger to good use but to also push through sluggishness too—literally and metaphorically. Since this new moon might elicit emotional intensity—it squares Saturn, the planet of discipline and structure which also happens to conjoin Pluto and the south node of karma too— the cosmos present an opportunity to channel this intensity on behalf of what you intend to create in your life stands strong. Em
Tuning into astrology, a science of
Let your desire push you.
Commit to what you want and what you are creating. Focus on detoxifying what you no longer need, and move your body! Sweat.
How I Am Using This New Moon In Aries In My Own Life
I am deep in writing a book, and my commitment is fueling me. One of my mentors told me as I set out to write this book that the process of writing this book will change me. Midway through this process, I have to say; I couldn’t agree more. I am learning so much about my determination, and commitment. I am actively engaging my ferocity and channeling my emotions to slay. I am also keenly aware of the behaviors that have historically held me back when it came to moving forward with big goals like writing a massive manuscript– thank you Saturn and Pluto conjoined on the south node. And, I am showing up and working through this one day at a time. I am very much in the process of releasing that which I no longer need so I can stay focused on what I most need, right now as I write!
Speaking of channeling energy on behalf of goals, one of my most beloved friends and colleagues, Kate Northrup’s new book is finally out… and I LOVE it. Do Less is about how to manage energy and time on behalf of what really matters. If you’ve followed my RHYTHM of Success and Lunar Logic philosophy, (the two philosophies that I have built my business on), then you are going to love this book too. It is to the point and awesome as it highlights how to do less to have more! (Ironically, Kate’s an Aries too.)
A Ritual to Celebrate the New Moon in Aries:
Tap into the theme of transformation and set an intention to go after dreams goals and desires with this ritual.
Please note you can do this ritual any time between the new and full moon, however doing it while the moon waxes crescent will prove the most useful. (Meaning within the first five days of the new moon.)
- Honor your ancestors. Think back on the generations of women who came before you on both the matrilineal and patrilineal lines in your family. Honor your ancestors and the hard work that went into their lives—ultimately making yours possible. (Even if you are estranged from family, consider the biological sacrifice that went into creating you!) Thank them. You may want to look at old pictures and literally say thank you or write a letter of thanks that you can either give to them (if still alive) or bring to their grave/read aloud to them. In the words of James Baldwin, “Your crown has been bought and paid for. All you have to do is put it on.” Thank the women who came before you for their hard work!
- Reflect on limiting patterns and beliefs. Identify potential as a transgenerational pattern that you no longer need or that you wish to complete. Get clear. What patterns emerge? Are there any connections between how they mothered or worked (if they worked) that relate to what’s appearing in your life now? Pay attention to limiting beliefs or patterns that you no longer need. Identify trends that no longer serve you. Write them down on a piece of paper.
- Burn it to the ground! With the new moon in Aries (a fire sign) happening in the days that follow such an intense Mercury Retrograde while Saturn, Pluto and south node conjoin, now’s the time to LET GO OF THE OLD! I advise creating a sacred ritual fire to let it go. You can light a fire outside, or you can do this in your kitchen with a pot lined with tin foil and dab of alcohol and a cup of Epsom salt. Instructions for a kitchen fire: Douse the salt with a wee bit of the alcohol and set it ablaze. Once it’s burning, drop the piece of paper containing your limiting beliefs and patterns that no longer serve you in the pot. Watch it burn. Surrender it to the fire. Transmute it. Imagine any unhealthy, unconscious, and unfavorable transgenerational patterns dissolving.
- Commit to your new goals. Now that you surrendered what you no longer need, consider what you want to call into your life. This could be a job opportunity, a relationship, more financial abundance, an adventure—you name it.
- Declare it. Write down your goal and then read your desires—the stuff you want to call into your life now—out loud. Speaking them aloud plays a crucial role in bringing them to life. You may notice that they evoke even more emotion when spoken, and that feeling is essential to manifestation.
- Meditate and complete. Now that you’ve let go and made space for what you truly desire sit quietly, follow your breath, and visualize your desires coming to fruition. Set the intention to stay open to these experiences entering your life, and any other growth opportunities you may need along the way.
- Thank You! Remember, what you appreciate appreciates. So savor the good.
As always, I’d love to hear from you. What’s coming up for you this new moon? What are you claiming? Declare your new moon intention in the comments below!