New Moon in Pisces: It's A Super Psychic New Moon - Jennifer Racioppi

New Moon in Pisces: It’s A Super Psychic New Moon

I intended to post this blog earlier today, but I got caught up watching Wonka. (This fantasy musical tells the story of Willy Wonka’s early years in his quest to become a chocolatier.) The movie sucked me in. As I sat on the couch, consciously delaying getting to my desk for work, I thought, how […]

I intended to post this blog earlier today, but I got caught up watching Wonka. (This fantasy musical tells the story of Willy Wonka’s early years in his quest to become a chocolatier.)

The movie sucked me in.

As I sat on the couch, consciously delaying getting to my desk for work, I thought, how apropos is this for a Pisces moon?

Pisces’ whimsicality can lead us toward desires that feel escapist, like entertainment—reading fantasy fiction, watching compelling movies, or listening to music—anything that sparks the imagination.

Pisces, the last sign of the zodiac, amplifies spirituality, our connection to our intuition, music, and art—essentially any place that offers respite, sustenance, tranquility, and a connection to the Divine. Entertainment and easy-going indulgences can feel like a welcomed relief under the influence of the sun, moon, Neptune, Saturn, and Mercury, all in Pisces.

Things Get Psychic Tonight!

Tonight, as we linger in the hours before the new moon in Pisces, which happens early in the morning (Sunday, March 10th at 5:00 a.m. Eastern), we experience the dark moon—a period when there’s no visible moon in the sky. It’s an especially psychic period in any lunar cycle, even more so during Pisces season.

Combining this with the fact that the new moon is incredibly close to the Earth, aka a supermoon; we can expect psychic phenomenon to abound.

With new year resolutions beginning to fade into the distant background and the stamina of spring yet to arrive, this in-between time of deep winter allows us to wander off the hard-lined, ambitious path other months often bring. But soon, the sun will slip into Aries, and the drive, determination, and desire for fresh starts and new beginnings will quickly blossom and emerge.

So, take a deep breath and spend a moment or two with yourself. Close your eyes and check in. How are you feeling? What do you need? Take time to observe where you are and what’s happening. Bringing mindful awareness to the moment allows you to listen and hear what you must, thus opening your connection to your intuitive awareness.

Let it Be Easy

While an elaborate ritual may support you tonight or tomorrow, please know that you don’t need anything extraordinary to hear your inner voice and tune into your inner guidance. It’s always there, waiting for you to hear it.

All that’s required for you to tap into this magic is to slow down, listen, and hear your inner voice, and then take some time to consciously write down what you are calling in or say some prayers! While doing this tomorrow morning is ideal, any moment in the next 48-72 hours will get the job done. Just make it heartfelt!

Other Things to Consider this New Moon

Mars and Uranus are at a harsh angle to one another, a square, and aspects of life might feel abrupt, even painful. If this speaks to you, know that you aren’t alone. Give yourself extra kindness. See where you can set boundaries and take some space.

But on a positive note, this new moon also sextiles Uranus and Jupiter, infusing abundance and growth into the lunation. (Growing pains yield results.)

Also, we move the clocks forward tomorrow, which means we gain an extra hour of daylight in exchange for an hour of sleep. As we adjust our sleep rhythms to the clock change, we attune to the forthcoming season and astrological new year.

Given how close we are to Aries season and the equinox (the new moon in Pisces is the last new moon of the zodiacal year and connotes endings, and in ten days, the sun moons into Aries on March 19th), the extra daylight primes us for what’s to come.

Remember the Pisces new moon asks us to nurture our intuitive knowing and psychic prowess. Honor this cosmic time of endings and make room for what’s to come.

As always, I send you my love!


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